Wednesday, December 26, 2012

21 Day Challenge Results!

After 21 days of hard workouts and diligent clean eating, I stood nervously while the calipers pinched here, there and everywhere.  Without further adieu, here's the breakdown:

Total pounds lost: 7
Body Fat % lost: 1.7%
Inches lost: 4

Right now I am sitting at 24.9% body fat which is near the "Ideal" section of the body fat percentage range.  Using those math skills I never expected to need in my adult life and a little calculation assistance from this website (, I figured out that I started out at 44% body fat when I was 246 pounds.  That percentage doesn't even show up on this chart...

While I am more than a little proud of the progress I have made, I know I still have some serious toning to do to get closer to "Lean".  I was shown the "before" and "after" pictures from the challenge and I could actually see some differences in 3 weeks.  I could also see trouble spots that I will have to work on before I can transition to more of a maintenance mode.  I'm realistic enough to know that there will probably be areas of my body that will cling to cellulite like Gollum with a death grip on the ring.  Ah well, I can't escape this battle without a few scars to prove I fought my way back.

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