Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Different December

This is by far the strangest December I have ever had.  I haven't eaten a single Christmas themed cookie.  I walked away from the most divine smelling potluck in the history of potlucks.  I've spent the last two Fridays awake at 5:00am driving to the gym.  I've lost 6 pounds (according to my scale).  I totally missed the fact that I passed the 60 pound mark because I have been too busy focusing on small goals.  Dear friends, I do believe I have been body snatched.

This 21 day challenge will come to a close on Saturday and I am itching to see the results.  When I started, my body fat percentage was just above the "normal" range into the "overweight" category.  I'm excited to see if I've made any progress toward lowering that number.  I'm excited to start 2013 at a weight I haven't seen since... well ever in my adult life.  I'm excited to plan a tropical vacation, have actual pictures of me taken without chagrin, wear swimwear in mixed company and buy summer clothes (typically my most frustrating fashion season).  Yep, totally body snatched.

But short-term, I am so excited for Christmas!  Taking a day or two to enjoy the indulgences (while not over-indulging and making myself feel wretched) which I don't have to feel bad about anymore because I know I'm working hard and being diligent the other 350 days of the year (took out a few for holidays / birthdays / girls nights).