Friday, December 21, 2012

Awesome or Strange Revelations

In no particular order, here are some things I have discovered along the way as the pounds began and continue to come off:

  • At some point you have to buy smaller workout clothes.  This one probably seems obvious to everyone, but when I bought several pairs of black stretchy yoga pants that I frequently wear during workouts, I never expected them to appear baggy.  I guess I thought they would be like the "Traveling Pants" from that movie and just magically adjust their size as I did.  Its not logical, I know.
  • Sorry boys, this one is a bit personal so I'll attempt to describe with as much decorum as possible.  Its harder to shave under your arms because instead of being flat or even a tad convex, the area under your arms is now very concave due to lack of fat and increase of muscle.  When you have been doing something the same way for many years with the same result and suddenly you have to adjust your methods (i.e. work harder) for the same result, its a little disconcerting.
  • Bones!  No, not Dr. McCoy or Dr. Brennan (depending on your brand of geek).  Of course I know I've always had them, but their dimensions were much harder to make out with a cushy layer over them.  Suddenly, I have little juts of bone here and there.  I'm fascinated.   
  • The discovery of previously unseen muscles.  I picked something up the other day and happened to see the strangest little muscle appear on my forearm.  I can tell you it didn't used to be there.  Or at least it didn't used to be shaped like that.
  • The discovery of previously unfelt muscles.  It seems that every time I learn a new way to do a squat (who knew there could be so many ways), a new bundle of muscle tissue makes its presence known the next day.  And the day after that.
  • Something always seems to be falling off / down.  For example, my wedding ring has had several close calls as my fingers appear to be shrinking.  Some of my boots won't stay up on my calves, so they fall down and look slouchy but not in a good way.
  • I hear myself making statements like "Oh I'd love to try [insert insanely challenging new fitness craze] sometime!"...with my outside voice and I actually mean it.  So weird.
  • When I get hugged, I can feel that people's arms go around me farther than they did previously, particularly my husband.  When you've been hugged by someone for over 10 years, your body knows the feeling of the other person against you.  So when their arms can reach farther, you know that what they are hugging is smaller than it used to be.  I must say, this one might be my favorite :)

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